Delhi University TYBMS Sem 5 Syllabus – Tourism Marketing


tourism marketing

Tourism marketing refers to a business discipline of attracting visitors to a specific location. It is the application of the marketing strategies to increase visitors in hotels, cities, consumer attractions, convention centers and other locations.

Tourism marketing subject includes the operation techniques involved in tourism. DU BMS students get to attain a basic knowledge of marketing principals, study the suitability of alternative promotional approaches and formulate marketing plans for tourism industry.

Here we present Delhi University TYBMS Sem 5 Syllabus – Tourism Marketing:

Unit 1 – 12 lectures

  1. Core concepts in marketing
  2. Needs, wants and demands
  3. Products
  4. Customer value and satisfaction
  5. Quality
  6. Exchange and transactions
  7. Markets and marketing
  8. Segmentation of tourism
  9. Market concept
  10. Justification
  11. Importance and bases
  12. Market research methods
  13. Research problem areas
  14. Marketing research in the tourism industry
  15. Tourism life cycle

Unit 2 – 10 lectures

  1. Tourism marketing mix – 8Ps
  2. Methods of pricing – the factors influencing the pricing decisions
  3. Pricing objectives
  4. Pricing policies
  5. Service characteristics of tourism
  6. Unique features of tourist demand and tourism product
  7. Branding and packaging – conditions that support branding

Unit 3 – 12 lectures

  1. Destination Planning and Product Diversification
  2. Destination Marketing
  3. Marketing strategy in the new digital age
  4. e-business
  5. e-commerce and e-marketing
  6. Complementary marketing

Unit 4 – 10 lectures

  1. Analysis and selection of market
  2. Measuring and forecasting tourism demand
  3. Forecasting methods
  4. Managing capacity and demand
  5. Market segmentation and positioning (STP)

Unit 5 – 12 lectures

  1. Tourism promotion: advertising, public relations, sales promotion and personal selling
  2. Role of media in promotion of tourism: TV, radio, newspaper, travel magazines, documentaries, guide books, travel writers


Textbooks and References:

  • Marketing Management Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control – Kotler Philip
  • Successful Tourism Marketing: A Practical Handbook – Brigs, Susan
  • Marketing in Travel and Tourism – Middleton, Victor T.C.
  • Market Research in Travel and Tourism – Brunt, Paul
  • Marketing for Tourism – Hollway, J.C.

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