Delhi University TYBMS Sem 5 Syllabus – Training and Management Development



Training and Management Development refers to bettering the performance of individuals and groups in organizational settings. Training and Management Development aims to make sure the availability of a skilled and willing workforce to an organization.

Training and Management Development subject aims to familiarize DU BMS students with the concept and practice of training and development in the modern organizational setting.

Here we present Delhi University TYBMS Sem 5 Syllabus – Training and Management Development:

Unit 1 – 9 lectures

  1. Organization vision and plans
  2. Assessment of training needs
  3. Setting training objectives
  4. Designing training programmes
  5. Spiral model of training

Unit 2 – 9 lectures

  1. Tasks of the training function
  2. Building support
  3. Overall training capacity
  4. Developing materials
  5. Strategic planning
  6. Networking
  7. Designing training programmes

Unit 3 – 10 lectures

  1. Training methods
  2. On the job training
  3. Job instruction training
  4. Apprenticeship
  5. Coaching
  6. Job rotation
  7. Syndicate method
  8. Knowledge based methods
  9. Lecture
  10. Conferences
  11. Programmed learning
  12. Simulation methods
  13. Case study
  14. Vestibule training
  15. Laboratory training
  16. In-basket exercise
  17. Experiential methods
  18. Sensitivity training

Unit 4 – 10 lectures

  1. Management Development Programme Methods
  2. Under study
  3. Coaching
  4. Action learning
  5. Role play
  6. Management games
  7. Seminars
  8. University related programmes
  9. Special projects
  10. Behavioural modeling
  11. Job rotation
  12. Case study
  13. Multiple management
  14. Sensitivity training
  15. Post training
  16. Input overload
  17. Unrealistic goals
  18. Linkage failure
  19. Training impact on individuals and organizations
  20. Training evaluation
  21. Evaluating programmes, participants
  22. Objectives and worthwhileness of training

Unit 5 – 18 lectures

  1. Organizational Development (OD)
  2. Definition and Foundations of OD
  3. Managing the OD process
  4. Action research and OD
  5. OD Interventions
  6. Overview of OD Interventions
  7. Team Interventions
  8. Inter-group and Third party peacemaking interventions
  9. Comprehensive OD interventions
  10. Structural interventions and the applicability of OD
  11. Training experiences
  12. Issues in consultant – client relationships
  13. System ramifications
  14. Power
  15. Politics and OD.


Textbooks and References:

  • Effective Training, Systems, Strategies and Practices – Blanchard P. Nick and Thacker James W
  • Organization Development, Behavioural Science Interventions for Organization Improvement – French Wendell, Bell Cecil and Vohra Veena
  • Training and Development – Lynton Rolf and Pareek Udai

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