Delhi University TYBMS Sem 5 Syllabus – Transnational and Cross Cultural Marketing


Transnational and Cross Cultural Marketing

Cross Cultural Marketing, an important element of the contemporary business environment addresses the issues of consumer behavior, management practice, promotional strategies, product development, distribution etc.

Transnational and Cross Cultural Marketing subject aims to provide an understanding of the impact the cultural differences have on global marketing. The methods of price decisions in international markets are also covered in the subject.

Here we present Delhi University TYBMS Sem 5 Syllabus – Transnational and Cross Cultural Marketing:

Unit 1 – 7 lectures

  1. Global marketing
  2. The scope and challenge of international marketing
  3. The global manager
  4. Importance of global markets
  5. Development of global marketing

Unit 2 – 7 lectures

  1. Cultural and social forces
  2. Definition of culture
  3. Cultural values
  4. Language and communication
  5. Cultural differences
  6. Impact of social and cultural environment on marketing industrial and consumer products

Unit 3 – 12 lectures

  1. Developing a global vision through marketing research
  2. Scope of international marketing research
  3. Problems – collecting primary data
  4. Use and non-availability of secondary data
  5. Multicultural research
  6. Research on internet
  7. Estimating market demand
  8. Problems in analyzing and interpreting research information
  9. Responsibility for conducting marketing research
  10. Communicating with decision makers

Unit 4 – 18 lectures

  1. Outsourcing research
  2. Developing a global information system
  3. Global product strategies
  4. Product design
  5. Packaging and labeling
  6. Warranty and service policies
  7. New product development
  8. Global strategies for services and brands
  9. Marketing services including social marketing

Unit 5- 12 lectures

  1. Pricing decisions
  2. Global pricing framework
  3. Pricing basics
  4. Marginal cost pricing and its importance
  5. Transfer pricing
  6. Counter trade
  7. Systems pricing
  8. Pricing and positioning
  9. Price quotation – preparation of quotations
  10. Promotion decision – promotions
  11. International advertising
  12. Sales promotion in international markets
  13. International advertising
  14. Direct mailing
  15. Personal selling
  16. Exhibition
  17. Generic promotions in international marketing.


Textbooks and References:

  • International marketing – Cateora, Philip R. and Graham, John L.
  • International marketing – Cherunillam, Francis
  • International marketing – analysis and strategies – J.J. Shaw and Sak Onkvisit
  • Global Marketing Management – Warren J. Keega

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