Depression: The Biggest Challenge For Today’s Youth!


Looking at the topic you must be thinking why I chose such a boring topic. We readers choose topics that can relax us but this topic is definitely not relaxing. I agree. This is my challenge. I will give my best shot to write about this topic in such a way that you find it interesting to read. I couldn’t avoid this topic. I try to discuss the main areas of a youth. This is one big area that has its effects starting from a kid till a senior citizen. I am sure even you must have faced this problem of depression at one phase of your life. The reason can be anything.

This topic has gained importance and needs to be discussed. Now-a-days, even kids are facing this problem. What a shame!!! What’s happening to our society? There is no longer an age limit to have depression. If kids are being under depression, the sole reason is the pressure. The only activity that kids are engaged in is their studies and other curricular activities. But the pressure of performance and competition has taken over the real spirit of competition from them. Slowly they are losing the importance of healthy competition. This is a very unhealthy surrounding to live in. This kind of surrounding will add to their pressure and push them towards the world of depression.

Another phase of life opens a person to friends and other kinds of relationships. They start experiencing new feelings. Due to lack of friendly and open conversation with their family and friends, they try to shut themselves. They try to supress these feelings. But how long can a person control his/her feelings. One day it will come out. It can come out in a good way or in a bad way. We cannot predict. But if they succeed in controlling their feelings, it can depress the person. Do not forget, today we are living in a world where shocking crimes take place. If they fall prey to any such crime, it can mentally affect them. In case they fail to share their problems, it will only worsen the situation. Sometimes family situation, financially or emotionally, can add to the tension.

The above situations can be 0.1 percent of the list which can lead a person to the world of depression. Other situations can be unsuccessful career and relationships. Hate is a feeling which forces the person to do activities which is unethical and the guilt consciousness will drive away happiness, satisfaction and peaceful mind.

What is the solution to this problem? I really cannot think of any solution apart from self-realization. Man has to realize what needs to be done. How to keep himself away from activities which will ultimately harm himself. But this process of self-realization is the hardest part. When he is in that situation, he fails to understand any advice given to him. He in fact tends to do the opposite, which will harm him more.  Guys this is a very sensitive topic. I cannot go in deep. This article is an initiative to put forth my views about reasons behind a man’s depression. I can be wrong or I can be right. This topic can be boring. But all those who have patiently read this article should try spreading the message and encourage people to live a happy and peaceful life.


– Aishwarya J

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