Describe the profile of a demotivated worker. Write short notes on the importance of succession planning.


Q.a. Describe the profile of a demotivated worker.


Ans. a. A demotivated worker often shows sign of low morale. Generally not noticed till it is obviously low or when something has gone amiss. By the time the management recognizes the fact that worker is demotivated, it is faced with one crisis or another. Perceptive managers are therefore constantly on the look out for clues to any deterioration in the morale of the employees.


Among the more significant of the warning signals of a demotivated worker are:


  1. High rate of absenteeism
  2. Tardinees
  3. High labour turnover
  4. Strikes and sabotage
  5. Lack of pride in work and
  6. Wastage and spoilage
  7. No job satisfaction
  8. Many grievances
  9. Does not follow rules and regulations of the company.
  10. No Team building spirit hence contribution towards achieving organization goals is very low.
  11. Increases Accidents


To curb demotivation the cause should be detected. It may be that the policies or practices of the company are defective, or that if executives are at fault, or that the views of those workers who are demodulated do not match with those of the company or its executives. May the managers are committing a mistake and accepting it. The demotivated worker should be counseled. He should be explained the responsibilities and rewards clearly.


 b. Write short notes on the importance of succession planning.


Ans. b. Succession planning is to identify, develop and make the people ready to occupy higher level jobs as

and when they fell vacant. Succession may be from internal employees or external people. Organizations

Appraise employee potentialities, identify training gaps for future vacancies, develop them for higher and

Varied jobs.


The scope of succession plan would be more when the organization grows steadily and employees have

Potentialities to take up higher responsibilities. Successions planning practices followed by various



Sr. Company Succession Planning Practices Adopted
1. GE Capital, Lucent technologies Weigh key leadership characteristics accordingly to company culture and values
2. Eli Lilly Align succession plans with the corporate culture to create a foundation for success.
3. Clorox Use Performance Metric Tools that are aligned with corporate culture to organize top potentials
4. GE Customize pieces of the succession planning process to fit individual business units
5. Glaxo Wellcome Conduct a division by division succession planning process
6. Novartis Match succession planning and development processes to emerging trends in corporate culture.


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