Destination Royale: a quick guide to London Sight seeing!


The land of the classy, sophisticated aristocrats; London, is often mistook to be boring, monotonous and overrated. But London isn’t just about history, literature and legends and you can have a lot of fun in London of you change your mindset and look at London from a different perspective. In case, you run short of time; here is a quick guide to help you through to cover most parts of it!

Big Ben and House of Parliament:

One of the most popular places of interest in London; the majestic Big Ben is the highlight of the London skyline and it is an architectural marvel. The House of Parliament near it is also very famous and when they all light up during the night time and reflect on the glorious waters of the Themes River; it would just leave anyone spellbound!

Tower Bridge:

Whenever we try to visualize the city of London, the place that describes it and comes in the limelight is undoubtedly the Tower Bridge! Its incredible architecture is what makes it such a huge tourist attraction. The view from the bridge is just beautiful and the different color of lights that enhances its beauty during nightfall is just mind blowing. So, if you are passing by, then this place is a must visit!

Trafalgar Square:

This is another splendid place to visit in London. Popular for its lovely ambience and surroundings; this place is somewhere you can enjoy a lot. Be it feeding the pigeons, shopping on the streets, getting your portrait done by the talented artists or simply walking on the roads, Trafalgar Square is definitely the place of fun and frolic!

Buckingham Palace:

If you visit London and don’t see a palace, then your visit remains incomplete. Buckingham Palace is by far the most famous Palace with a rich history and even though it’s not open all the time, people from all around the world come over to have just one glance at the huge palace which hides behind the gigantic golden and black gate.

The London Eye:

Also called the “Millennium Wheel”, this beauty was developed in 2000 and since then has enhanced the skyline of London. According to me, this is the best place to visit in London. A trip in one of the cabinets of this wheel and viewing the entire city from the top angle is definitely something to look forward to! The breath taking view from that cabinet can’t be compared to anything that you would see from a close distance here. So never miss this chance!

London is a beautiful city with some incredible and versatile things to do for various people with varied choices. One just has to have that enthusiasm and the travelling spirit. So go and explore London because it’s truly worth the exploring!

– Anwesha Rath

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Poonam Gandhi


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