Detailed Procedure for Photocopy of Assessed Answer Book(s) Free Download



      1. This facility, thus provided, shall be for theory papers only of all the examinations conducted by the college / institution on behalf of the University in the current session.
      2. Under these rules applying for the Photocopy/ies of answer-books shall not be permitted in respect of the scripts of practical examination / term-work / sessional work / project work / dissertation / internal assessment / term work (including theory part) and in Viva voce /oral / practical examinations.
      3. The Photocopy/ies shall be sought by submitting an application in the prescribed form along with the non-refundable fee of Rs.100/- per answer book by the examinee within seven (7) working daysfrom the date of the declaration of result of the examination or issue of the statement of marks by the college / institution, whichever is later. The examinee/sbelonging to reserved categories shall be granted 50% concession in fee.
      4. Incomplete application form shall be rejected without assigning any reason whatsoever and the fees paid along with the application form shall neither be refunded nor will any representation be entertained.
      5. No application after the due date will be entertained on any ground whatsoever.
      6. The College/Institution/Department shall endeavor to supply Photocopy/ies of answer books as far as possible within fifteen (15) working days from the date of receipt of application for photocopy/ies of the answer book/s.
      7. The Photocopy/ies shall be handed over to the applicant examinee in person only and under no circumstances to any other person.
      8. On receipt of Photocopy/ies the applicant examinee shall be the sole custodian of it and under any circumstances the examinee shall not part with the custody/possession of the same and also shall not use the same for any other purpose/s.
      9. If the examinee is found guilty of indulging in any unfair act/attempt he/she shall be liable to be tried before the Unfair Means Inquiry Committee of the college and the decision taken by the authorities based on the recommendation of the said committee shall be final.
      10. On receipt of the photocopy if the discrepancy of following nature is noticed by the examinee, he should apply to the Principal in the prescribed form along with the said photocopy and copy of the question paper within three (03) working days from the date of publication of the notice by the Principal of the respective college as per the provisions hereinabove. i) Mistake in totaling  ii) Non assessment of a question / sub-question if required  After due verification, the Principal of respective college shall make necessary rectification in the marks allotted to the said subject and consequently in the result of the candidate without charging any further fee for necessary rectification.
      11. On rectification of the result as per the provisions above, the candidate can apply for revaluationwithin seven (7) working days  from the date of receipt of the rectified result, if he/she was not eligible to apply for revaluation of the said answer book under Rule 29 herein below mentioned and only by such rectification becomes eligible for revaluation in the said subject, subject to other limitations contained herein.
      12. In case of non-assessment of question / sub-question the original assessor or if the answer- book is moderated the moderator will be called for rectification.  It will be binding on the concern examiner / moderator to attend the call of the Principal of the respective college and it will also be the responsibility of the Principal of another college to relieve the concern examiner / moderator to attend the respective College examination cell on the given date or within four (4) working days if no specific date is communicated. The concern examiner / moderator will be entitled for only travelling allowances. Not attending the call of the respective college within stipulated period will be treated as misconduct and penalty of Rs. 100/- per day will be imposed on all concerned and the same shall be recovered from the pay by the Principal of the college or any other authority responsible to draw the salary on receipt of the intimation from the Principal of the respective college. On deducting the penalty amount, the Principal of the college shall remit the same to the Principal of the college where the concerned examiner was called and the same shall be credited to the Students’ Welfare Account or the Library Account of the college to which the amount of fine is remitted.
      13. The examinee is free to apply for Photocopy/ies of answer books of as many subjects as he / she so desires.

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