The Journey Of A Successful BMS Content Writer Intern – Mr. Devansh Thakker


An Interview with Mr. Devansh Thakker, BMS student of KES Shroff College, contributor of 30+ amazing articles on of the year 2015:


1) Tell us about yourself

An accidental science student but a self-proclaimed business and management geek. A man in the middle of his ladder. From my perspective, it simply means I am an undergraduate close enough to complete my graduation (BMS), with a little experience in business. Why Two reasons: 1. An emerging interest in writing brought me here, 2. What could be better than contributing to my own community first? Listening to music while travelling is just divine, especially in a busy city like Mumbai. Sales and Marketing is second home. Devdutt Patnaik is my favourite columnist. A strategy games lover, especially Chess and the Defense of the Ancients.

2)      How and when did you get started writing?

In our class of SYBMS, 2013, I remember, we were given a 15-pages-long report-writing assignment. And, were expected to cover everything that we had experienced in the industrial visit. I had thought it was ludicrous to write a report so expansive. But, out there, quantity mattered more than anything else. So, a crazy thought led me to shun the idea of writing a typical report, but try a novelistic approach, which was for the first time. This experiment with writing actually helped me discover a few writing skills. Moreover, it helped me reach the number 15. On top of all this, no bragging, but whoever read it either chuckled or complimented me on my style of writing. Sure there were a lot of grammatical mistakes in the first write-up but the expression of readers motivated me to write more. 

3)      How do you usually find your ideas / writing topics?

In the initial period of internship, I never really tried seeking ideas from anywhere. In fact, I wrote what’d have mattered to me and several other people in the same phase of life as mine. This soppy thought led me to write under abstract titles like “Life Lessons from Salses Job” and “Five Friends Who Can Teach You Business Skills”. And undeniably, I got lucky to get to write under major topics such as “Business” and “Career Life”. In the latter part, I researched to cover some technical topics like “Nine Must-know Careers for Fresh Marketing Enthusiasts” and “Four Websites for Knowledge Seekers”.

4)      What are your favourite books – and why?

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is one of my favorite ones, probably because it was the first novel I had ever read, and kept me clung to it till the end. Other books in my league of favourites include, Stay Hungry Stay Foolish by Rashmi Bansal and The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma

5)      Favorite films?

Exam, 12 Angry Men, and Shutter Island.

6)      Favorite Music?

I love Rock n Roll! Elvis Presely and Chuck Berry have been the best so far. Also, The Airborne Toxic Event, when it comes to Indie Rock and Black Eyed Peas under hip hop and EDM.

7)      Give us 3 “Good to know” facts about you. Be creative.

1. If I was related to cricket, I’d have tried my hand at batting, bowling, fielding, wicket-keeping, umpiring as well as commentating! Well you may call me the jack of all trades, but I call it as being open to varying experiences. 
2. If I was a camera and not a human, it wouldn’t have surprised me at all. Because, I like to make people smile!
3. Its not that I am not competent, but I don’t like competition, specially in terms of education. My opinion towards competition changed since the day I had given much thought after coming across an anonymous quote – “the culture of competition is ruining our ability of imagination”.

8)      Who has influenced you the most in your life? And Why?

It’s none other than my mother who has played the most influential role in my life. She’s a very lovely home-maker and a hard-working self-employed woman. Love, compassion, wit and and the spirit to work hard, are all by products one can learn about, by being around her. Besides all of these, the most important mantra I have somehow learnt passively from her is the art to keep balance. And the one who knows this art as well as it’s application is for sure, a successful multi-tasker. I just wish to learn more.  

9)      What next after the BMS writing internship?

Well, after BMS internship, I wish to go as per my plans of doing MBA / PGDM course from a good institute in India, which would “play the role of” a catalyst to make me understand the world of business with a wider perspective, especially in the field of marketing.

11)   Your feedback/suggestions for

It has been a blissful time interning with The contents in the internship have been perfectly designed and set How is this internship regime impactive? It awakens the writer in students, helps them understand their mistakes, and be creative. Apart from the internship, gives a brilliant interface to study, gives timely notifications regarding exams and other important matters, motivates students to excel, and gives recognition to performers like a responsible education body.

 Below is the list of Interesting Articles of Content Writer Intern ‘Devansh Thakker’:

  1. The Art of Online Self-Branding
  2. 8 Killer Smartphones of 2015
  3. Top 4 Internet Stocks of 2015
  4. 20 Topmost Consumer Brands in India (As per 2014)
  5. 4 Websites For Knowledge-Seekers
  6. The Concise Checklist For Successfully Closing A Deal
  7. 9 Must-Know Careers for Fresh Marketing Enthusiasts
  8. Marketing / Finance? The First Decision-Making Test In A BMS Graduate’s Life
  9. A Run through CAT 2014
  10. 100 Days of Mangalyaan and 4 Stunning Facts
  11. Gadget Love: 3 Mainstream Gadgets of 2015
  12. 3 Problems of Ignoring Grammar while Graduating
  13. 3 Benefits of Working in an Event Company
  14. 3 Opportunities Lost While Working From Home
  15. Salesman vs Brand Ambassador: The Client’s Perspective
  16. 11 Annoying Dialogues To Utter in Job Interviews
  17. 3 Business Ideas for Fresh Indian Graduates
  18. 2 Safe Investment Avenues for Indian Graduates
  19. Why BMS is the Best Course in The World?
  20. Juhu To Jaisalmer : The Industrial Visit Experience
  21. 2 Ways After Graduation
  22. Don’t Try These in a Job Interview
  23. 3 Laws of Networking for Every Fresh Indian Graduate
  24. Tactics to Excel: 15 Words & 7 Phrases for Every Professional Indian Graduate
  25. 5 Hot, Creative & Fun-filled Careers Every Indian Graduate Must Consider
  26. Managing Business Through Games
  27. 4Es of Cracking A Job Interview
  28. 5 Kinds of Friends Who Can Teach You Business Skills
  29. Six Fears Of Starting A Business Every Indian Graduate Can Easily Knock Down
  30. Life Lessons from a Sales Job
  31. Discovering Leadership Qualities in College Days
  32. Understanding The Basics of Business
  33. Vipin Saboo Tutorials Vs. Other Tutorials
  34. 12 Reasons Why You Should Only Join Vipin Saboo Tutorials (VST)



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