Devaragunda Venkappa Sadananda Gowda – “Public prosecutor to Politician”



Former Chief Minister of Karnataka Sadananda Gowda makes his Ministerial debut at the Centre.  

He has been appointed Minister of Railways on 26th May 2014.

He was the 20th Chief Minister of Karnataka. He was sworn in as the Chief Minister on 4th August 2011.

Born on 19th March 1953 (age 61) to Venkappa Gowda and Kamala in an ethnic Tulu Gowda family, Mr. Sadanada Gowda  graduated in Science from St. Philomena college, Puttur and went on to obtain a degree in law from Vaikunta Baliga College of Law,  Udupi. During this time he became active in politics and was elected as the General Secretary of the students union of the law college and subsequently, became the District General Secretary of the ABVP.
He started practicing law in 1976 and was a public prosecutor for a brief period of time but resigned to fully focus on his political career.
Mr. Sadananda began his political life journey by becoming a member of the Jan Sangh and went on to become the President of the party’s Sulya assembly segment. After the split of the Janata Party, he joined with the BJP. After being elected in the Karnataka Legislative Assembly in 1994 and 1999 from the Puttur Assembly seat in Dakshina Kannada, he became Deputy Leader of the Opposition in his second term as MLA.

He has served in various committees of the Karnataka State legislature including the Cell for preparing Draft Bill on prohibiting Atrocities on Women, Karnataka, the Committee of Energy, Fuel and Power, and the Committee for Public Undertaking. He was nominated as the President of the Public Accounts Committee in 2003.

He was appointed the President of Karnataka state BJP in 2006. He earned fame being the President when BJP won the assembly election for the first time in South India in May 2008.

He has worked for the Labour Movement being the General Secretary of Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh,
Puttur Division and President of Sullia Taluk Auto Rickshaw Drivers and Owners Union.

–       By Harshali Amin

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