Develop Your Body Language as a Leader With These 5 Exercises


It’s true that your body language speaks a lot about you. Many observers can tell how you are as a human just by observing your body language. However, as entrepreneurs are meant to be leaders, they should behave as leaders. And nothing more than body language can help them taking steps for development of leadership quality. Following exercises can develop your body language as a leader:

1- There is no “off switch.”

Arthur Joseph demonstrates how to stand with stature with a volunteer.

Stand straight. People do not want to see leaders who are bending and having a loose posture. As author Arthur Joseph suggests to stand in stature. Standing in stature does not only mean standing straight. It is a state of mind and not a physical posture.

2- Throw out the tension.

Arthur Joseph demonstrates how to get rid of tension in the tongue and jaw.
Arthur Joseph demonstrates how to get rid of tension in the tongue and jaw.

Release your tongues, jaw, neck and shoulder tension by placing two fingertips in your mouth under the tongue and gently release. Your tongue must appear relaxed, just simply flaccid. Place your other hand right under your lip line, forming a V between your thumb and index finger and gently pull your jaw down a half to one inch. By practising this exercise you will not only feel more confident and relaxed but appear as well.

3- Maintain eye contact.


Maintaining eye contact while addressing a huge crowd or small bunch of people proves to be effective as it connects crowd to the speaker. Great leaders always maintain eye contact as eyes convey everything. It breaks the anxious, insecure and untrustworthy feelings down and sparks in confidence and integrity in you.

4- Make gestures purposely.


As a Bms student, I have learned how important role gestures play in the presentations. In a presentation all gestures should be made purposeful, not random but not too aggressive also. This body language is one of the characteristics of leaders. Steve Jobs can be a perfect example both for presentations as well as Leader!

5- Handshake.


Handshake is one of the important gestures you need to know now itself. It connects you with the other person. Handshakes should be firm and not aggressive. It shows sincerity and warmth to the other person. Practice it with your friend as practice makes a man perfect.

Take your time and practice these exercise wisely. Do make sure you practice it daily and infuse the leadership quality inside you!

-Vatsal Doshi

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I'm a guy who loves to learn as long as I like it. Else than that, I like to blog, play games, listen to music and make new friends. Passionate about football. My motto- "Spread happiness as it's free of cost!" :)


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