Diary Of A (Not So) Frustrated Workaholic: On Some Rainy Days The Sun Just Shines Super Bright!


keep calm and be happy

When I started this blog, the motive was to blog down my frustrations and share in those irritating, funny or crazy moments that a someone who has just stepped into work life from student life faces. For someone who has always managed to be at the top (100% modesty check in place) having gone about the last 2 and half months post being promoted to a managerial position, not achieving targets has been truly de-motivating; which was the reason why I decided to blog down on a daily basis. (Writing therapy.. it’s seriously a thing with writers!)

Today morning when I opened up my mail and saw my senior’s e-mail staring right into my face, I had that Oh My God! what have I missed out even before I start my work expression, but as I went through the mail I realized somehow how special it felt to be thought about and cared for.

When you are a fresher and you join the work place people fill you up with stories of, that cruel senior, that oppressive boss and god know how many other satanic references to people on senior positions who invariably manage to pull you down and crush the life out of you just because you are on their pay roll! With my place of work that was never the case since the beginning but today’s mail just ensured that if someone was to ask me about people at senior positions I’d have a very different tale to tell.

My senior took out her time on a Sunday to analyze the issues I was facing and came up with a detailed mail on how I can go about things in a stress-free manner enjoying my work every minute. No, don’t get me wrong at the BMS team we never fawn over each other or praise each other to get favors or work done, in fact we are each other’s greatest critics and strong team players which is why I don’t need to write all of this to get into her good books, I am writing this post for no other reason but the fact that she has made it a compulsion for me to start my day by writing, because she knows how much that makes me happy.

She made sure that work no longer is about earning money and growing financially, it’s somewhere can be about loving what you do and growing as a person and it’s one of the best feelings in the world! (Notice how my title transformed into a ‘NOT SO Frustrated Workaholic’ and the image is so full of hope! with just one e-mail)

It’s pouring outside gloomy and dull, it’s a sad Monday morning post an exciting Sunday, yet I don’t feel those Monday morning blues, all I want to do is finish up this post and get cracking on my tasks. Sometimes, some people without realizing it, become the most influencing and motivating factors in your life. They bring out the sunshine on rainy days by simple acts of kindness which have an impact on you forever. I myself have a team under me, motivated, energetic but loosing hope just like I was, I realized how good it felt when someone you look up to, takes out time to be there when you need them the most and I surely will be passing on this gesture to everyone I work with!

I guess this is why people say kindness is like a chain, your simple acts may spread on to places you din’t know and make the world a happy place, full of hope and positivism, wait a minute no one says that but I just did!

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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