Diary Of The Frustrated Workaholic: Drawing Your Lines Of Professionalism Clearly!



Ok, telecom service providers have given you the option for quite some time now to have your queries answered at any hour. Web portals give you the luxury to shop at any hour of the night and so is the case with almost everything today.

You have 24×7 ambulance facilities, study material availability, can view you favorite shows or movies online and of course the super helpful (privacy intrusive) social media which lets you talk to someone at the oddest hours of the night!

But have you ever given it a thought that even though you are well connected via social media, you are in touch almost every minute during WORK hours and your senior isn’t too formal with you, trying to create a comfortable work environment; you should let them have a private life as well!

We might be very approachable and helpful but that is because we dont want you or the work to be suffering, as simple as that and when that’s the commitment from my side don’t you think letting me sleep peacefully is a necessity from your side?

We are humans too, just because we are seniors doesn’t mean we dont need Sunday siesta’s and Saturday night parties. We really care when you face issues, but lets face it don’t you feel the pressure when your senior pings you on Friday evening? your protest zone starts even before the weekend hit’s so why no such liberties to us? I mean we work more than you don’t we? a little understanding won’t really hurt much!

Social media makes sure you can reach us whenever you face an issue you can ping me, but in case I dont reply immediately does it give you the authority to keep pestering me till I reply? Do understand that if I dont solve your issues my work will suffer so I am no ways going to ignore you, plus procrastination isn’t an option really for someone who needs to deal with a zillion things and get them running before the week ends and the next week comes up piling a fresh batch of zillion ‘to do’s‘ on my head.

Try not thinking of your seniors as someone you you are dependent on, in fact rack your own brain and learn independence from them. Take in what you admire but have an identity and a personal way of working and doing things in life, (that’s what I do and it helps) because as interns you are no longer in school; you are working now and no one forced this on your head!

I didn’t learn my lessons over night and neither will you, but try keeping an open mind and learning to give things a try before you pick up that phone and give a buzz to your senior, learn to be free and kick away that dependence bug! Believe me it’s a great feeling to know you have an opinion and be proud of it!

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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