Diary Of The Frustrated Workaholic: Nocturnal Animals And Their Plight



When you are a workaholic, you are never a morning person or a night person, because both times you have an equally buzzing brain and it’s really something you ought to be proud of; not that it’s helpful for your routine just good for the long haul.

The issue that comes up usually to bother you the most, is of those crazy night time buzzing idea’s after a long and tiring day. I believe that not just workaholics but night people in general who might be facing this issue, the fact that the brain keeps on inventing, innovating and acting it’s creative best during the wee hours of the night is a pain, believe me.

Why should we be condemned to this torture of sleepless nights leading to unorganized mornings is a huge question I always ask myself, probably some of you co-nocturnal animals might know the answer to that one. Anyways all it leads to is baggy under eyes and a messed up morning.

Sometimes I wish we had the option of living our lives in two time zones, and the night people could pull up the blinds and be off to bed during the day. Imagining this Utopian concept makes me wish, we had that option where you could live in a parallel world of your own, in just the opposite time zone and live exactly as you did in the day, just with the peace and quite of the night.

On the other hand, if we had that option, nights won’t remain as peaceful and the same chaotic day time routine of maintaining your time and catching up to meet the rushes of life would follow during the night! Not such an attractive option after all. So I guess we are better off this way, being unique night animals in this world of morning people.

We might be different, but we at least have some peaceful time to ourselves to let our thoughts gallop away in speed to all discover all the new idea’s and unleash our creative best. We might have messed up mornings, but hey with the kind of feats our mind attains in those peaceful spells of the starry skies and the moonlit composed dark nights I think it’s worth all the mess; don’t you?

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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