Diary Of The Frustrated Workaholic: Talkomaniacs



Welcome to the diary of a frustrated workaholic, if you work, ever did or ever will you can relate to almost everything I shall blog about, in case you don’t fall in any of the above categories you then you simply don’t exist, end of conversation!

I started working about 6 months ago and had my transition from the student phase to this new completely different setting of my life. Initially it was all rosy and beautiful because of the financial independence but a few months and a promotion down the thorns have started to show their true pointy potential.

Frustrated – I am not, because of my work, I love my job and believe me I know I am among the privileged one’s to be able to say this; but for me each new day, is a new challenge and the entire process over dealing with pigheaded people is what annoys me.

Yep, pig headed people, can be an inspiration for a blog and this wont seem bizarre to you if you have ever worked in a position of authority at your workplace. Plus the fact that I am a workaholic ensures sleepless nights and extended hours at the office because I am trying to ensure these people work! Sometimes I get the sneaky feeling that I am crazy; but then I wake up to the reality that normal is boring and life is better this way.

I start post Uno by talking about a type of people I have encountered a lot who have a disease called as the ‘Talkomania’. I am sure you have dealt with a minimum of one of these kinds at your workplace! their symptoms include talking and talking and doing a lot of talking but not performing at all! They feel that feeble words can fill up site space and earn revenues and I totally wish this was true; but sadly it isn’t.

Talkomaniacs make tall promises and do a lot of talking but when it comes to working it’s a no show! I sometimes sympathize for such people because procrastination is an invitation to doom and these people fail to understand that! Expecting bills to be paid and bank balances to go up is slightly unrealistic if you all you are going to do is talk and at the end of the day all the frustrated workaholic can do is sack you and decrease my burdens.

You are hired because you were supposed to work and perform and reduce the burdens of the company while you increase the revenues, if you do right the opposite, I am sorry but we don’t need you!

Lesson learnt: do not judge a book by it’s cover or a man by his words! Let their work speak for them and then and only then can you realize the true potential and commitment of a person.

Untill next time,

The Frustrated Workaholic.

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


    1. We happen to be kind people @bms, we don’t disclose the identity of these diseased people, we just ensure that they are quarantined far..far.. away from the team so that the virus doesn’t spread!

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