Diary Of The Frustrated Workaholic: Why Can’t We Shun The Cowardice And Pursue Our Dreams?



The point behind blogging out my experiences at the work zone, was to reach out to people who can relate with all of them and would try to giving nothing else but a tiny back thought to those issues.

One of these prominent ‘you so need to give this a back thought’ issues that I feel very strongly for is the fact that pursuing your dreams in today’s world is considered as either rebellious or a luxury, to which only those who have a perfect life can indulge into. Now wait a minute, does a perfect life or the perfect situation ever exist?

We blame circumstances or issues, crisis and the lack of time. In fact we have an entire list of blame worthy issues ready and instead of getting over those and moving ahead we find newer additions to the list, staying bonded within those chains refusing to move out and explore our heart’s desires, refuse to explore happiness!

I don’t know about you but for me writing is what ensures that I live contently, I know many of you can’t relate with the fact that someone can be so passionate about words and sentences; but to me this is where life is at it’s best. I made it into my profession and so it balances out the different shortcomings I face like everyone of you in my work life.

Not everyone, can turn your love into your profession, but can’t you make time for it in those 24 huge hours of your day; for something that you feel for so passionately, so deeply and so madly? It may be a travelling, singing, reading up on philosophy or simply trying out different global cuisines?

I encounter so many people on a daily basis, who tell me we love to write but there is no time and managing this has taken a toll on the other things that need more attention, like earning money or getting our beauty sleep (different people – different priorities, no judging anyone!) but didn’t you just say you loved writing? Does it really take that much of effort in removing an hour a day for something you love, which will help you rejuvenate and feel refreshed after a tiring day?

Why can’t life be simpler and people more connected with themselves? If you like a person can’t you just go and tell them? why this requirement for the fuss and the log kya kahenege? If you love cooking then why can’t you become  a chef instead of being a engineer and trying to fall in love with something that feels like living hell?

Why have we always been taught that you must sacrifice and adjust, why can’t we teach to love ourselves and make time for everything instead of compartmentalizing life? If you teach them to dream and be proud of following it, they themselves will learn to multi-task and find a way to achieve the dream. You can’t change circumstances but you can always alter it to your best advantage can’t you?

You may be facing some of life’s worst circumstances and may think upon reading this, that it’s easy for me to say but you to do and if so, then you really need to break out from the chains of self pity and a closed mind that have you all bounded up. Learn to love yourself and connect with yourself, no one matters more than your own peace of mind and that is a statement I am sure the world will vouch for.

Shun the cowardice, shun the fear, break free from those norms of society and people because they will talk  no matter what you do! But in your heart you know what’s best for you and having the courage to accept it is, showcasing what you are truly made up off!

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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