Did Osama really die?


“Hey Dude!!”

“Here you go again.”

“It’s not as unlikely as you think.”

“I’m listening.”

“Could you tell me, What evidence does the world have of Osama being killed in the operation? A grotesque picture and American claims.

“Hold on cowboy! What about the freaking choppers that were flying around over the Waziristan Haveli; the US special forces operation; the gunfire and explosions?”

“All staged of course. I am told about two dozen navy seals in night-vision goggles dropped into bin Laden’s high-walled compound by sliding down ropes from Chinook helicopters. Reminded me of Hot Shots! Part Deux.”

“I think it was Charlie Sheen’s best film.”

“The US has so far refused to share details of the exercise. The body was put aboard the USS Carl Vinson and conveniently buried in the North Arabian Sea. All this happens just months before the 10-year anniversary of the hijacked-airliner assaults on the United States. Seems like a good script.”

“What exactly is your theory?”

“That he probably died in December 2001 due to an untreated lung complication or diabetes and was buried in the mountains of southeast Afghanistan. The audio tapes that emerged later are most likely fabrications. But the US government had to prove it to their domestic audience that 9/11 had been avenged. Hence Operation Geronimo.”

“But why wait so long?”

“It is possible that they finally found some conclusive proof recently that OBL indeed is dead and it was safe to play this game. And the Western allies had to keep him alive to stoke up waning support for the war on

terror in Iraq and Afghanistan.”

“Then why ‘kill’ him now?”

“Because Obama needed some good news to cheer up his administration. His popularity numbers have been in a free fall. The economy has been picking up, but the pace has been slow. Politicians from both parties have been disappointed by what they say is abdication of leadership on Libya. Laden’s ‘death’ may buy Obama a second term.”

“Impressive! But there’s one loophole in your postulation. Al Qaeda obviously knows the truth. Why haven’t their representatives spoken up?”

“Because they stand to benefit. Business has been bad for them over the last decade or so. This gives them a fresh lease of life. Anyway, that’s my conspiracy theory. What’s yours my reader friends ?”

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Kamlesh Bahukhandi
I hate dogs. I' love to be alone sometimes. I like to read, write, travel and dance a lot. My nails are bad; I have degrees in Business Management (MBA) and Mass Communication. I don’t want to be any one else. I love being myself. I make good tea; I like eggs, tea and milk. I love colors, they decide my mood. I love music; it can change the way I am feeling. I like sweets. I like food; I am a self-confessed tea addict. I hate being too formal. I talk less. I could do the washing though I have a very successful career. I like vanilla ice cream. I'm right handed. I always felt bad for lost in love. I am allergic to dust, cats, pollen, soap, powder and strong perfumes. I like to drive fast. I cry at sad movies. When I was a kid, the only thing I could draw was a half face. I don’t believe on horoscopes for the moment, and astrology. I grew up in a small village, I am a village boy. I wet my toothbrush before putting the toothpaste on. I like tea very much (did I say that already). I was popular in College. My favorite place is Italy, for now. I am not able to understand why people watch Star Trek. I type with all fingers. I have lost many good friends as I hate being over concerned. I am 5.9” tall. Yes I forgot to mention I love birds. I speak four languages poorly and one language well. I look luscious when I want to. I am a brilliant speller but a decent writer.


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