Did You Smile Today ? ?


Did You Smiled Today ? ?

“If you are not using your smile, you’re a man with a million dollars in the bank and no checkbook.”

Today …
Just give a stranger one of your smiles,
and it will make his whole day.

“Think about how

special a smile is.

It costs nothing, but has the power

to enrich all,

who receives it.

A smile brings  inspiration

to the discouraged,

cheer to the sad,

and warmth to the troubled.

It creates goodwill and

a feeling of friendship.

A smile only takes a moment,

but its memory can last forever.

so share some smiles.”

“Most people are about

as happy as they make

up their minds to be”

“Smiling is infectious ,u catch it like the flu,

when someone smiled at me today,

I started smiling too.

I passed around the corner and someone saw my grin,

when they smiled ,i realized ,ihad passed it on to them,

I thought about that smile and realized its worth,

A single smile just like mine could travel around the earth.

So ,if u feel,the smile begin,don’t leave it undetected

lets start and epidemic quick,and get the world infected!”

Let the flora of smile be spreaded !!

Like it? Share with your friends!

Abhishek Shah

-Digital Evangelist


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