Dipika Pallikal – Dinesh Karthik HD Wallpapers, Images For Pinterest


Dipika Pallikal, an Indian squash player is all set to marry Dinesh Karthik by mid 2015. She is the first Indian woman to break into the top 10 in the WSA rankings and has won 3 WISPA tour titles in 2011. That year was her best year as she had attained the career ranking of 13. Dipika, till date, has won the German Open, Dutch Open, French Open, Australian Open, and Scottish Open on the European Junior Squash Circuit! Dinesh Karthi is an Indian cricketer who made his debut in 2004 in the Indian cricket team and has been a part of the team for varying periods since then.

Dipika Pallikal 37 Dipika Pallikal 36 Dipika Pallikal 33 Dipika Pallikal 32

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