Disadvantage of Line and Staff Organisation


Line and staff organisation also is not free from drawbacks. It suffers from a number of limitations. They are:


  1. If the pattern of authority relationship between the line officers and the staff officers is not clearly indicated, there will be considerable confusion in the organisation. Further, there may be conflicts between the line officers and the staff officers.
  2. As the staff officers do not have the authority to put their recommendations into practice, their advice may be ignored by line officers.
  3. As the staff officers are not ‘concerned with the execution of the plan, they may not take proper care before they advice the line officers. That means, this system may encourage carelessness on the part of the staff officers.
  4. This type of organisation requires the appointment of a large number of staff officers or experts in addition to the line officers. As a result, this system becomes quite expensive.
  5. As the line system is expensive, small concerns cannot afford

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