Disadvantages of Line Organisation


Disadvantages of Line Organisation:


Line organisation is not free from defects. It suffers from several drawbacks. The main drawbacks are:


  1.  Under this system, as only one executive manages all the activities in his department, there is no scope for specialization.
  2. As only one executive is required to manage all the activities in his department, he is over-burdened, As a result, he may not be able to direct and control the efforts of his subordinates, properly.
  3. As all the decisions relating to a department are taken by only one executive, there is unitary administration. Consequently, the successful functioning of the department depends on the abilities of the departmental head.
  4. Under this system, only one executive controls all the activities of department and gets undue importance. The importance of the other people in the department is not recognised. As a result, there may be lack of co-operation and team-spirit.
  5. Since only one executive controls all the activities in his department, there is much scope for nepotism and favouritism.
  6. Under this system, the subordinates should follow the orders of their superior without expressing their opinion on the orders. That means, there” is limited communication.
  7. Under this system, the lower level managers lose their initiatives and interest, as they have to merely carry out the orders and instructions of their superiors.
  8. When there are too many levels of management, the process of communication may become difficult under this system.
  9. There is the danger that the line authorities may become autocratic or dictatorial.
  10. Line organisation is rigid and inflexible.

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