Disadvantages/Limitations Of Desk Research:
(1) May not be exactly as per needs: The published data may not be always reliable and exactly as per the needs of survey work undertaken. The researcher has to make proper scrutiny before using published data.
(2) Needs modification: Secondary data need suitable modification before actual use for research purpose. This is necessary in order to adjust data as per the need of the research work undertaken.
(3) Testing required: Published data need proper testing through field investigation for verification of validity and reliability.
(4) Too much dependence undesirable: Too much dependence on published data is undesirable and even dangerous. The conclusions drawn from such data may not be dependable. Desk research is not always dependable.
(5) Secondary method: Desk research is a secondary method of MR. The data used in the desk research are secondary and may not be exactly as per the need of research study.
(6) Lacks practical-orientation: Desk research is like library research work and lacks practical-orientation.