Disadvantages/Limitations Of Published Data


Disadvantages/Limitations Of Published Data:

(1)   Old and outdated nature: Published data available may be old and outdated. The use of such data is irrelevant for research purpose. In fact, the utility of secondary data declines progressively as the period goes.

(2)   May not be complete and reliable: Such data may or may not be complete, accurate and reliable. It is rather difficult to find out the reliability of published data. Moreover, use of unreliable published data is dangerous for research purpose.

(3)   Too much dependence undesirable: It is not desirable to depend too much on the published data for research purpose as there is always a time gap in between the collection and publication of such data. Moreover, the deficiencies of published data will be carried forward in the research project undertaken.

(4)   May be of bias nature: The bias of the collecting agencies may be reflected in the research work or research report when published data are used extensively.

(5)   May not be directly adjustable (relevant) to research project undertaken: Secondary data rarely fit perfectly into the framework of marketing research problem under investigation. Such data are not exactly as per the need of research project undertaken. The data may not fit info the needs of investigation.

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