Disguised Observation


Disguised Observation (also called Covert Observation): In disguised observation, the subjects do not know that they are being observed by some specially appointed observer For example, disguised observation may be made by the observer by posing himself as one of the shoppers who are being observed This type of observation is preferred as people (shoppers) may behave differently when they know that they are being observed Here, the purpose of observation is not disclosed to the respondents They are also not aware of the fact that they are being observed for some specific purpose Disguised observation method may be used by the researcher when he feels that his presence may affect consumer behaviour or may spoil the whole data collection process An observer, for example, may enter the shop as a regular customer and may interact with fellow consumers without disclosing ins identity and purpose of interaction In undisguised observation, the purpose of observation is brought to the notice of respondents before the commencement of observation


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