Distinction between Personnel Management and HRM


Distinction between personnel management & HRM.

Personnel Management


1.  Evolution

Personnel management precedes  HRM. HRM is the latest development in the evolution of management of men.

2.  Employment

It has favoured contractual employment based on  written agreement. It has favoured all round development of employees.

3.  Rules

It has attached highest importance to rules. Performance is evaluated within the framework of rules. It has attached more importance to the abilities of employees. Rules are to make the life of employees convenient.

4.  Initiative

It works on the basis of piecemeal initiative. It works on the basis of integrated initiative.

5.  Speed of decision making

Its speed of decision making is slow. Its speed of decision making is fast.

6.  Remuneration

It supports fixed remuneration. It supports performance related remuneration.

7.  Job design

It practices division of work. It practices division of work along with team work.

8.  Conflict handling

It reaches out temporary truce through collective bargaining. Its uses fixed procedures to deal with employee grievances. It manages congenial work climate and culture. It implements wide ranging personnel strategies.

9.  Training and development

It uses outdated methods of training and development. It uses latest techniques of training and development with audio-visual facilities.

10.  Behaviour norms

It decides behaviour norms based on customs and practices. It decides behaviour norms based on individual values and mission of business.

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MT UVA- University, Vocational and Affiliated Education for BMS


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