Distinguish between Logistics and Supply Chain management


Distinguish between Logistics and Supply Chain management



Supply Chain Management

1. It is concerned with getting goods &
services where they are required & when they

are desired

1. SCM encompasses all those activities

associated with movement of goods from raw

material stage to the end user

2. Logistics is used within a single organization. 2.Supply chain management requires coordination and implementation through
various organizations in the supply chain.
3. Logistics is a part of Supply Chain management 3.  Supply chain management is an extension of Logistics management.
4. Logistics adds value when inventory is correctly positioned to facilitate sales 4. Effective SCM excels in reducing operating costs, improves asset productivity and reduces order cycle time
5. The concept of Logistics management is relatively old 5. The concept of Supply chain management is relatively new
6. Logistics management is a narrower concept 6. Supply chain management is a broader concept

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