Diwali | Deepavali English Quotes, Slogans, SMS, Messages 24 October 2014 Free Download


Diwali | Deepavali English Quotes, Slogans, SMS, Messages 24 October 2014 Free Download

Happy Diwali 33

Love as deep as Ocean,
Friends as Solid as Diamonds,
and Success as bright as Gold…
These are the wishes for you and your family on the eve of Diwali.

 Happy Diwali 39

My wishes are silent but true, Every where they will be with you. May luck be yours, sincere wishes are mine, May your future always shine .. Happy Diwali.

 Happy Diwali 38

Hi! my friends, are you great among the world because you get it best wishes of Diwali from your best friend……
wishing you and your family happy Diwali…….Enjoy it by sharing your happy love with others

 Happy Diwali 37

Wishing a great Diwali that is all
set to brighten your days with prosperity,
warmth, success and the very best that
life can offer, now and forever.



Don’t miss to check:

Latest SMS, Wallpapers : Happy Diwali / Divali / Deepavali / Dhanteras / Bhai Dooj / Kali Puja / Bandi Chhor Divas 2014

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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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