Athithi Devo Bhava – Do India’s Really Practice It?



India is a country where the Sanskrit verse ‘Athithi Devo Bhava’ is popular as Indians believe that the ‘Guest is God’. Indians have a ritual of welcoming the guest by burning a lamp, offering flower and sweets. Indians are known as very friendly people. Even the tourism department of India has a slogan of ‘Athithi Devo Bhava’. Millions of tourists visit India, and to help improve the economy and foreign exchange of India, it is important to have more tourism in India. For tourists, visiting India is to know the culture of India, the architecture, beautiful mountains, river and forests of India.

But do Indians truly define the meaning of ‘Athithi Devo Bhava’? There have been many issues of overcharging foreigners by vendors and shopkeepers or theft by some people; there have also been also cases of misbehavior and unfriendly behavior towards women of other countries.

These are the things which repel the tourists from visiting India. If Indians truly want their nation to grow forward and make itself known to the world, it is important that there is an awareness of how to act to the guests who come to India, There has been social awareness campaign done, but the true meaning of ‘Guest is God’ should be implemented instead of being selfish for monetary gains from wrong doings or just for some fun, we don’t want to destroy the country’s reputation, it is important to work hard and truly define the phrase ‘Athithi Devo Bhava’.


–         Jainam Jhaveri

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