Do Not Underestimate The Power Of Youth


Hey guys, I finally got a chance to write about me…. I meant us….’The Youth’. I am thinking what to tell you guys about us and what we can do. Everybody knows how ambitious and capable we are. Still I will give you a recap on the “The Power of Youth”. It is not for you to know but for you to circulate in your circle. When I meant circle, I meant those who don’t feel that they have the power to be the change.

Let me start by asking what is your opinion about our power? You think about this question and in the meantime, I will share my opinion. I will definitely not say that I realised my power when I was in standard II. If I do that, will you guys trust me? Won’t you think how I will realise the power of youth at an age when, I was unable to tie the knot of shoes? So I will not do that. It was a rainy day.

I was coming back to my house walking from station. I saw lady lying on the side of the road, suffering in pain. Nobody was ready to help her. She was pregnant. That time I took the initiative to catch an auto and hospitalise her. This was moment when I found the inner strength. I realised that I can make a difference. I am sure each one of you would have such a moment. Think about it. In fact this was moment when I gathered the courage of facing any situation. Thereafter, I handled so many situations on my own. And today, I am an independent person. 

When we say that youth has got the power, nobody means that we are like superman or batman. We simply mean that we have got all the resources to make a difference to the society. This is in fact proved. Do you remember the shocking case of Delhi Gang Rape? That one incident gave a sudden kick start to our bike. The entire country was awakened, which forced the parliament to get involved directly. That’s what we say “The Power of Youth”.

Every time we cannot expect such shameful incidents to happen, which will force us to take drastic steps. We will have to include the youth power as a part of our lives and use it to make a difference, whenever possible.

Starting a march and protesting against the women security level in the country, was an initiation. But in today’s busy life nobody will have so much time to participate in rally and express the opinion. So the only solution to this problem is implement change from the roots. We have the power of education.

We should use it. Just not in the regular fields like medicine, sports, engineering, IT etc, but should also participate in politics. Alright….if you don’t want to become a politician, become an officer in government like IAS, IPS, on whom these politicians depend. Then you can put in your efforts to make a difference.

Remember Power is Change……..

– Aishwarya. J

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