Do the hard work smartly. . .
Every one says like do the *Smart Work* but I would advice you to work hard smartly. The only thing that leads a person to success, the only key to success is the hard work done elegantly. You all need to come out of the comfort zone this is the time for some action (hardwork), it’s like now or never, if you all would not start doing it right now, then mind well your future is in the deep dark forest. Wake up now from the comfort zone. Start implementing, start doing it, the world is full of competitions as said in the movie Three Idiots “Life is a race………..” Hardwork is the key, and the hard work done smartly is the correct key for opening a door called Success. It’s time to upgrade yourself. You must be very well aware of the correct key for opening the door. Unlock the key to success before you are to old !!
Be adaptable.
Remember every change that comes your way gives you an opportunity to move ahead of those guys that won’t or can’t adapt to sudden change.
look for shortcuts.
Always be alert to easier, more efficient ways of doing your routine task. Can you cut out, reduce, speed-up or combine steps – without sacrificing effectiveness?
Plan it all
The best chess players always think one move ahead. You should always try to do the same. Prepare yourself mentally before you act physically. This alone will help you avoid wasting time and making costly mistakes.
learn quickly from your mistakes.
You’re smart if you can learn from your mistakes, you’re intelligent if you can learn from others mistakes – but you’re damn wise if you can do both and that is what makes sense and makes you unique from others.
What’s most important about multitasking (doing 2 or more things at once)? Is knowing when to multitask and when not to. Routine task should be multitasked. Detailed, risky, and dangerous projects should not be.
Be updated.
Allow technology to help you work harder at working smarter. Whatever your task, a gadget, software program or tool exist that can help you to complete the task more efficiently.