Do You Fall Sick Every Now And Then? 10 Secrets To Live A Healthy Life



The key to long life is healthy lifestyle, but we are always careless about the most important thing, that is our health. We enjoy more with unhealthy things rather than the ones that are good. We need to push ourselves towards healthy eating and living.

Make these healthy habits a part of your daily routine.   

  1. Early to bed, early to rise

Everyone must have heard this since childhood “Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise”.  So everyone must make it a point to sleep as early as possible and wake up before the sun in out. A human body requires at least 6-7 hours of proper sleep, oversleeping could make you lazy, a less sleep could make you tired, appropriate sleep is recommended.

  1. Exercise

Most of us hate doing exercise, which is the most essential habit for healthy life. Even if you do not like to exercise, you can start step by step like first for around 15-30 minutes then daily for an hour.

  1. Vegetable diet

Youngsters are usually meat lovers and prefer junk food and meat rather than home food and vegetables. Vegetables are healthy and help to clean the dirt from the body. Avoid eating oily food; eat at least one or two vegetables a day.

  1. Reduce intake of sugar

Most of the food we eat today consists of added preservatives which are hazardous to health; they may be good to eat but are killing you from within. Most of us are crazy for chocolates are ice creams, but there should be a limit to the intake of sweets.

  1. Walk more than use of vehicles

Day by day we are becoming more and more lazy, we do not even want to walk a step, and prefer travelling by public and private vehicles even at short distances, avoid doing that walk if go do not have to go far.

  1. Eat breakfast

Breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day, as the entire night our stomach is empty and the breakfast is the first meal, so you feast yourself. Skipping breakfast could lead to stomach ache and gastric problem. You should eat small meals after every two hours, to avoid gas formation.

  1. Drink plenty of water

Water is the most important thing to live a healthy life. Water helps to eliminate waste particles from our body and helps our system to function effectively, so at least there should be and intake of 2-3 litres of water a day.

  1. Take up a hobby

It is important to remove time for yourself from your busy schedule and pick up a hobby or play an outdoor game like badminton, tennis or throw ball just to freshen up your mind. You could even drive your cycle or go for swimming.

  1. Daily walk

Try to at least walk for about one hour every morning; a day started fresh will end well.

  1. Socialize with people

Last is do not keep yourself isolated, socialise and meet people every day, it will make you feel fresh and boost your mind with positivity.


It is rightly said “It is the health that is the real wealth not pieces of gold and silver”. We all have only one life, so eat healthy stay healthy.

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Daisy Pais