Do You Hate To Burst Your Bubble? 6 Disturbing Reasons Why Chewing Gum Is Bad For You


chewing gum prohibited

Chewing gum is very popular in teens especially college or school going students are the highest consumers of it. The real reason of people buying these products is because the different ads we watch nowadays that claims different things like eating this gum will make your chubby face thin or will make your teeth healthier. But is it true? NO! Chewing gums are bad for health.

Here are the 6 reasons why you should ban chewing gums:

  1. Increases your exposure to mercury:

Dental filling are made from a combination of mercury, silver and tin. Chewing gum can release the mercury from the fillings into your system. Mercury is toxic and can cause chronic illnesses or mental disorder.


  1. Real sugars are horrible for your teeth:

Switching to gum with real sugar as opposed to artificial sweeteners may seem like a good idea, but this just bathes your teeth with sugar which we know is a major cause of tooth decay.


  1. Contains GMOs:

Many gums contain corn syrup or soy lecithin, which are most often derived from GMO corn.


  1. It causes headache:

Continuously chewing creates chronic tightness in the muscles located close to your temples, which put pressure on the nerves and causes headaches.


  1. It contains ingredients that have been banned in other countries:

Most of the gums contain BHT and artificial coloring agents, which are chemical ingredients that have been banned in other countries as it has been linked to cancer but are allowed for use in the US food industry.


  1. It can upset your stomach:

Chewing gum allows for excess air to be swallowed, which contributes to abdominal pain and bloating.


I hope you will stop eating chewing gums regularly and take care of your health.

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Saloni Shetty


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