Do You Have a Migraine or a Headache? Symptoms & Types


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When we feel pain radiating in any region of head we feel that we are most likely dealing with headache. However there are different types of headaches which have different symptoms. So the question is how do we know is it headache or migraine?

Headaches are often distinguished by their cause. Headaches are generally classified into two main types:

  1. Primary Headaches :
  • Migraine: A migraine, which is a disabling, recurring headache that frequently occurs only on one side of the head and often results in other symptoms.
  •  Tension Headaches: Tension-type headaches are the most common headache, and are often experienced as mild, dull pressure without other accompanying symptoms.
  • Cluster Headaches :Cluster headaches, which are less common than migraines or tension headaches, usually bring severe pain also described as “stabbing” pain behind one eye, and may be accompanied by redness and nasal congestion.


  1. Secondary Headaches:

These headaches are  rare but more serious than primary headaches. Probably because they are often caused by other serious health problems, such as brain aneurysms or tumours, dysfunctions of the spinal fluid, or inflammatory diseases.


Symptoms of Migraine:

As it’s important to know what type of headache you have so that you can seek proper treatment. By knowing the symptoms you can easily make the assessment yourself. A migraine headache can be quite severe, causing intense pulsing or throbbing sensations in one area of your head. Other distressing symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and light or sound sensitivity.


Quality And Location of Pain really does matters:

Do pay attention to the quality of your pain. If it’s just distracting, it’s a tension headache. But if you feel intense pounding or throbbing that becomes debilitating, you’re probably suffering from a migraine. While both migraines and general tension headaches may sometimes be felt on both sides of your head, often migraine headaches are located on one side of your head.


Go for the treatment to the doctor but if your headache does not respond to treatment and continues to worsen, then that could be a warning sign for a secondary headache ask your doctor to provide a diagnostic assessment to be sure.



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  1. Very well explained about Migrane. Its really useful. Thanks for writting such nice and informative and useful article.
    Other than going with the Doctor’s advice I do Yoga and meditation to avoid all stress related problem.Everyday morning I start my day with yoga then light few Cycle incense sticks and start meditating. Yoga and meditation helps a lot for the people who is suffering in chronic headache. Try and let me know if it is useful.

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