Do You Have Sunburnt Hair? Try These Simple Easy Tricks To Avoid Them


Sunburnt Hair

If you are stressed about your damaged hair then here are some tricks on how to avoid frying your hair this summer. Along with humidity comes sweat, frizz and worse of all is flat hair. Luckily there are some simple tricks that can let you avoid the frustration related to summer hair care. While women with thicker hair seem like they are forever battling frizz, those with thin hair know that humidity can bring your hair down and fast.

Spray your scalp area generously with the product right after your blow dry. This will combat sweat the moment it starts. Another benefit of dry shampoo is volume, which can be hard to come by when it’s humid outside.

Spray some dry shampoo into wet hair and use a round brush to blow dry your hair. The excess powder will help build volume without frizz.


A healthy hair and a sealed cuticle will go a long way in summer days. Using a magnesium brush will heat up to the temperature of your blow dryer in about five seconds, and it will stay hot for three minutes. You will get continuous and even heat that will close and smoothen stubborn cuticles without burning them. When your cuticle is closed flat, humidity has a harder time changing the beautiful blow out you just achieved.


Only one thing that is seal the hair from any drop of moisture that could come and wreak havoc. Hairspray gives different holding strengths, adjust your protection for humidity you are about to fight.

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Saloni Shetty


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