Do You have the Sportsman Spirit in You?


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Sporting spirit is needed for everyone in this world. A person who lives sportily is always fit and healthy. Sports these days are rather a desire than passion. People play sport is a desire for them as it keeps them active and is even useful for getting job ahead. I would say that it’s better to have nothing rather than having something of others fate.

“HARD WORK” is the true motto given to us by the sports. Playing any kind of sport helps us building up both physically and mentally. We must try to make ourselves so hard that we would be impossible for anyone to beat us. Logically we are born sportily but we get used to the chaos and all types of stress around enough to make sport a desire than a passion.

Sport should be enjoyed as it teaches us certain values of life. A sport which is pursued from a desire of gaining something are as ruinous as to the temper of the person addicted to it as it is connected to ones fame and fortune. Sports pursued as passion will help us be motivated in life and would help us set a goal to achieve in life.

– Jiten Godhania.

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