Do You Know Why Men Suffer From The Commitment Phobia?



Relationships and commitments have become a fairy tale story to me. Let’s go back to the times of famous love stories…HEER and RANJHA, ROMEO and JULIET, LAILA and MAJNU. Can’t imagine that kind of love and commitment. I wonder what has changed. Why men are afraid of commitment. For sure it’s the mental status that taking away the hope and belief in long term relationships.

It is a known fact that men and women think differently. So, their perceptions about a thought will also vary. But when it comes to relationships, now-a-days girls are equally driving themselves away from the entire concept of “One for me”. In my opinion, “Many for one” concept originated in male sex. Since the world is turning over to equality, girls have started to adopt it as well. As far as Western countries are concerned, the concept of many is already established in both sex, but Asian countries are still not modern to such an extent. But my question is, why did this concept originate at the first place?

commitment phobic

It is seen that majority of guys runaway because of the thought of “One Partner”, either for physical intimacy or dating. There are a couple of other guys who step back thinkingit might not work. Bad experiences in life or past girlfriend or family or unresolved issues can also force them to quit the idea of commitments. Sometimes they feel they are pressurized to commit, which drifts them away from the relationship. Don’t forget about the friends circle. If none of his friends are committed, then he feels ashamed to be one. All the former points can be a reason in one or the other forms. But the root cause of all reasons is lack of love.

Accept love as and when it comes. There is no right time and age for the happiness of love to enter your life.

– Aishwarya J

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