It is 9:00 am, you are in your fine sedan travelling around the roads of Mumbai, gushing through the unpredictable traffic. You are having one of your greatest panic attacks as you have to reach your office at sharp 8:30 am, and you are still stuck in traffic, and your office is nowhere close to near. It is even more frustrating when the rickshaw driver ahead of you is waiting at his own leisure and continues to be in this mode of fantasy for the next twenty minutes.
At this moment you give it two shots to persuade him to move. Both of them with immense politeness. Results, both your attempts fail. Finally the adrenaline flows in along with hoards of anger and you remove the essence of politeness from your speech, and your job is done within a few seconds. This is the modern day world, and this is how you tackle it.
Good manners are something which your mother instilled in you. Always be polite, never speak in an unsophisticated manner, et cetera. However as you go on and go out in this big wide world, you realize that your good manners does not take you places. Therefore, I stand by the statement that, “Good manners are a waste of time in the modern world.”
The sophistication shown by pretty ladies at their royal and exotic lunches and dine outs are far from their real nature. Form inside they are boiling too, wanting to laugh and talk about the various achievements, which they think to be false, and which sometimes is too, of their fellow diners. When the talking and boasting goes overboard, the beauties become beasts and give it downright to the boasting victim. There you go, you have the perfect result, silence from that mouth for eternity. If this would have been done with politeness, after two minutes what was said would have been long forgotten.
I would like to take up an example from the normal day to day life. My father took me to the movies, the show which we were going to watch was a blockbuster, and hence we pre-booked the tickets. However, it so happened that when we reached the place, the man at the counter said that there were no tickets on in our name. My father asked him to check for them, in a very sweet and polite manner. We stood there, silently according to the norms of the so called good manners and waited. The man said that he would go and check at the main counter. After about fifteen minutes, we found that our man was just outside talking to his mate, and had no plans to do our work for the next fifteen minutes more or maybe in the pleasure of meeting his mate, he had forgotten his task. My father lost his cool, and sense of good manners and hence went and blasted at the man. Next what we see, is well obviously the movie in our brilliantly comfortable seats.
Good manners is well a very important thing to have, however, it is not the right thing in the world.
A popular belief of the world, that the world lings are hungry for love as well as a sweet nature, but however when we give it to them it is not well accepted. It is the anger and the rage we show, that gets our job done, bitter truth, isn’t it?
Whenever you try to be sweet and polite, everyone thinks you are a victim and take you for a joyous ride. In this modern world, people are only thinking of how to get fast to their destination and how to not waste time. They have far too little time to be soft and gentle. In this modern day world when everything is travelling at the speed of light, you need to get your results too at that speed. That only come by the expulsion of good manners and unleashing your bad side. Imagine, if Adolf Hitler respected the Allies who won the war and with accordance to the norms of good manners accepted the Treaty of Versailles, would Germany be a superpower? It was Hitler’s rage and dominating power that took Germany places, and they are now so finely developed. A superficial example, but this is how it is.
The streets are filled with uncivilized people and this is the only way to get away with them. You don’t have the world’s time to deal with them in a polite manner and flaunt how extremely good manners are instilled in you. Therefore we must listen to this universal rule that is coming forth, which will help us save our time, the thing which we need the most. Good manners are surely a waste of time in the modern world and using them in the modern world is surely a waste of brilliant intelligence.