Do You Think Pursuing An MBA / Masters These Days Will Guarantee A Job?



Education today is not only a source of our daily bread but it also defines your class, status, and respect. One can say your success is also counted on your education. The more educated you are the more the respect you gain in the society. Ask a person who is illiterate how difficult for him/her it is to live life today? We are in the 21st century today education is our need today. We know the prices of our daily needs have undergone so much change that if we want to get the things we like, want to have  a secured standard of living then we got to be educated so as you get the job of that salary and then have the life you like.

Earlier graduation was a big thing and you would get the best of job but today graduation is a need to at least get a job. Every parent wants to see their kid in the best of positions and hence is ready to shell a much as money required so that the Kid get the best of education form best of institutions and university. Today not only degree determines your job but the name of the Institution where you have attained a degree. We all know the No one institution for MBA that is the T.I.M.E. you have done your MBA from this institution then you are sure to get job in the top of the MNCs closing your eyes. This is also a reason why education is become a money making business rather than art of giving. As these institutions already have tie ups with companies and so the students apply for such institutions so that their job is guaranteed

You can say that an additional Master or MBA will give you a job for sure, though, not a job of the perfect 5 or 6 digit salary but at least a job. Since the market is under stiff competition that the top companies pick up the best of candidates with perfect knowledge of everything. A graduate in Journalism may not have the perfect knowledge that a candidate with Masters has, as they are furnished with those perfections that they need not be thought anything that graduates might require. A graduate has to learn everything in the course of the job wherein a Student with the Masters learns everything in the course and hence is more preferred for the job, as nobody has the time to teach you anything once you are out in there in the field.

At the same time your own personality, communication skills in short your soft skills also determine your job. If you just have a degree without any soft skills then your degree is in vain while a graduate with the soft skills will be accepted in such a condition. So your job is not only determined by your qualification but also by your personality.

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