Do You Think The Grading System For College Students Is Fair?


grading system

With all the degree courses witnessing the major changes in the marking pattern, syllabus, etc. the question that comes to each one’s mind is – “IS THE GRADING SYSTEM FAIR?”

Firstly what is this grading system?

In grading system we are graded for each and every subject and based on that the overall grade is decided! For example- even if your percentage comes to 85 but out of 7 subjects if you acquire O in 6 and A in one your overall grade will automatically scale down, which means even if you have scored the best there a probability you will not get an O (GRADE POINT AVERAGE- 7)!

It is an attempt taken by the university to make the students understand that only marks or only percentage is not important for overall development rather we have to be well prepared in all the fields. It is a decision which may have a positive impact on the students- they may become more serious towards studies, they may understand the difference between only studying and appropriate studying, they will learn to manage time, their quantity of hard work may increase, and so on.

But as it is said a coin has two sides- therefore, it can also have a negative effect on the students- they may feel stressed, over- pressured, some fail to study in a manner which could help them, there are students who have a tendency to perform their worst, etc.

When the grade used to be given on the percentage obtained by the student it was more convenient for them as they would know their grades reflect their performance but in this case where overall grade is dependent on every particular subject it is unfair for the students. Because the ones who perform excellently in all subjects except one or two and if because of those subjects their grade is scaled down it’s a heart-breaking and depressing situation. Because all their hard-work goes into vain just because 1 or sometimes 2 subjects.

Changes are brought into any system so that it can motivate its working and function better but sometimes when changes cause depression and de-motivation they are of no use. Thus changes may sometimes prove to be very useful but sometimes can be a disaster.

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Afifa Qureshi


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