Does BMS stand for Bewakuf Management Student??


Once results were out majority of BMS students told us that after doing BMS all they got was a Babaji ka Thullu (). Now that the results have sunk in and it’s time to prepare for the last semester of the course many of the BMS students are getting the feeling that have we turned out Bewakoof Management Students instead of Business Management ones?

We tried to make that analysis on basis on the major aspects of a BMS student’s life and here are our findings:

Major aspect 1: Studying an approximate of 40 different subjects in the entire course.

bewakuf stdys

Obviously makes you smarter than so many other graduates who study thing that are only related to their field. With BMS students we might have to slog really hard but the reality is that we do know a lot more.

#Not bewakoof!

Major aspect 2: Making presentations.


Builds up the skill to such an extent that those who love making PPT’s use it in place of a birthday card for your best friend and those who don’t become copy paste experts.


Major aspect 3: Assignments.


We absolutely hate them but every assignment we make ensures that we read a part of our syllabus at least once which by normal BMS student standards we wouldn’t have touched until the day before the exams.

#Not bewakoof!

Major Aspect 4: Viva’s.


We howl at the thought of giving a Viva but eventually after 3 years it does turn out to be beneficial. For those who still do not learn a Viva is of too short a duration to ensure that it impacts your oratory skills majorly so not very helpful.

#Semi- bewakoof!

Major Aspect 5: Exams. (Studying for exams at the last minute with a super lengthy syllabus)


This is the last and final very major aspect in a BMS student’s life. We have a very lengthy syllabus and studying for exams takes a lot of time, yet we are BMS students and we push over studying to the last minute as much as we can. We might get a SUCCESSFUL or an UNSUCCESSFUL result but the studying the sheer quantum of syllabus in one go is truly an effort in itself and with or without KT’s we do manage to increase our capacity to study, which is extremely beneficial.

#Definately NOT Bewakoof!

So all in all a BMSite may feel the burden of studies, tough corrections, overdose of PPT’s and Assignments, a lot of exams and a lot of exam pressure but after going through all of that we are surely benefitted. These are of course the whacky student mentality reasons that we have come across, there are many more appropriate reasons why you should be happy at your choice of course and proud to be a BMSite!

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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