Does this Mobile really kill?


Sources say there are daily deaths due to the use of this mobiles phones. They say mobile phones causes accidents, tumors, cancers, and don’t know what more. But does this mobiles really kills?

Today’s case: A college student hit by a train while crossing the track in Kanpur. The guy had his headphones on and was talking to someone. Headlines in the new “Cell phone became Death phone.” Someone please tell me What is the fault of the mobile phones if we our self are so careless?

Mobiles Phones is an Invention for the sake of keeping in touch with people as you can’t carry those huge phones along. Every Invention has a positive as well as a negative side. But can’t put all the blame on the Invention itself.

They even say mobile phones causes tumors and cancers. Everyone knows mobile network tower emit radiations which are harmful to Life but still there are towers found on top of Buildings, Corporate Houses. Why did you allow them to put the towers there?

Inventions don’t Kill, it’s we who use them in a careless manner and get struck with accidents and diseases.

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Ganesh Kamath

Hello, this is Ganesh Kamath. I am a TYBMS student. I am a friendly guy, love to make new friends. I love being simple and realistic. Here to share to my views and to learn more about the outside world. I hope and except you help me with this. :)


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