Doraemon & Homo Sapiens




Nobita’s life isn’t easy but thanks 2 Doraemon ; he is always there to help him in his hard times. His life revolves around the playground, reading comics, an outstanding student in school, a like the world knows the 1 sided love of Nobita to Shizuka.

Like it is said “All Work & No play Makes Jack A Dull Boy” but these statements can only be reversed for our very own character. He is very torpid, always likes shifting his work to others, never listens to his mom and always scores a big zero.

He also has some good points in him like – he is very caring, adventurous, helping his friends & always likes to share whatever good he has. Though I pity Doraemon for handling Nobita’s never ending tantrums we find doraemon always asking for Dora cakes in return to his good deeds.

Talking about the sapiens they are a little jealous about Nobita having Doraemon to help him but I think I am not into that jealous category because I already have not 1 but 2 Doraemons in my life – My Parents.

You see they can do everything. What’s better example of doing everything for your child when you have some epic examples of Devki and Vasudev sacrificing Krishna to Yashoda to save him. My parents are not robots but they are no less. They have some similarities with Doraemon – always teaching to try your best, speaking truth and loving.

No matter what we have; a cartoon doraemon or a sapien doreamon we are suppose to help ourselves & have a positive view about our opinions. Like they say – “There is  always dawn after bleak night” Everyone has a fight master looking person like Jiyaan in their life, a person who thinks himself d 8th wonder of the world like Suniyo, a teacher who is always behind u to support & last but not the least an attraction which is cute and makes our cheeks go pink like Nobita & Shizuka.

No matter what life has planned we must accept it with gratitude because nor nobita is saved from this planning nor the sapiens.


By Khushboo Chauhan

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