Dos and Don’ts: Awesome Tips for Successful Online Dating


Online Dating

Online dating is an ongoing trend these days; people use social networking sites to keep themselves updated and connected to people. Online dating is an interesting way of associating with someone whom you do not know and may want to know. There are few risks involved in online dating, so here are few dos and don’ts which one needs to take care.

Dos: Be clear

It is necessary to be clear in your words while having a conversation, as it may lead to misinterpretation and your words could hurt or offend the other person whom you are chatting with. Use proper words and phrases to express your feelings.

Dos: Be polite

It’s important to be polite to the person you are having a conversation with or you may end up offending or losing the person, which you may not want to happen. In fact being polite will enhance your character.

Don’ts: Be rude

If you do not like to be treated badly, do not do the same with others. Do not use harsh or abusive words if things don’t turn out right, there is always a solution to solve any situation calmly.

Online Dating

Dos: Be realistic

In order to be friends with someone, do not pick up wrong means, be realistic and provide accurate details about yourself, portray the person that you actually are. Put up correct details about yourself like pictures and information.

Don’ts: Cheat or be Fake

Cheating is the worst thing one could ever do. Making up fake ids and chatting with people is the common thing done nowadays. Dating involves an emotional bonding with the person we chat, being fake could break the trust of the person.

Don’ts: Use cheesy lines

Everyone knows about the cheesy, pickup lines from movies used these days, so don’t try to fool the person or play with words to impress someone, be what you are, and put forth your true self in a simple manner.

Dos: Be honest

If you as a person expect truth, the same thing goes to the person on the other side of the conversation. Honesty is the best way to win someone’s heart.

Don’ts: Dwell in the past

It is important to share things related to your past to the person you are associating with. But repeating it over and over again in a conversation could be annoying at times, and the person may feel you’re not interested in him/her but the past itself.

Dos: learn from past

Instead of dwelling in the past, it’s better to learn from the past to avoid repetition of mistakes.

Don’ts: force

Don’t force anyone to get into a conversation with you if they are not interested. Also respect a person’s privacy and don’t force them to tell you things they may not want to share.

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Daisy Pais


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