DRDO Chhattisgarh Recruitment 2015 for 1 JRF Post





Defense Research & Development Organization (DRDO), Jagdalpur (Chhattisgarh) has invited applications for 1 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) post.


Mechanical Engineering


The applying candidate must have a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and the candidates who have qualified the GATE would be given preference.

Age limit: 

The age of the applying candidate must not be more than 28 years as on the last date for submission of application forms. Age relaxation is applicable as per government rules.

Pay Scale:

Rs.16000 per month

Selection Procedure: 

The selection of the candidates would be done on the basis of their performance in the interview.

How to Apply: 

The candidates need to send their application forms duly filled in the prescribed format along with the attested copies of all the required certificates/documents/ testimonials, latest passport-size photograph and fee IPO in original (if applicable) by Speed post/Registered post to ‘The Director, HRD Cell, SF Complex, Jagdalpur- 494 001 (Chhattisgrah)’.


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