Dreams are immortal !!


Dreams are immortal !!

The greatest dreams are always unrealistic. Every one dreams of i w’ll do this, i w’ll do that, i w’ll become this, dreams are seen by all but achieved by just few, it is all about yours steps in successfully gaining the dreams. You need to acheive it with the immense passion, hard-work and dedication towards it.

Don’t let your dreams to be stealed by anyone, follow your heart no matter what, as it has the pure resolution and it will definately give you the correct path towards your dreams. A dream previewed without a plan is mere a wish .

A dream without a plan is like a pen without refill(of no use). Try and fail in achieving your dreams but please please please dont fail to try as what is not started today never finishes tommorrow. There cannot be any sort of happiness if the things we do are different from the things we believe in.It is  a bit difficult, you will face many dillemas while walking on that path but than it would really help alot to achieve it.

Never regret on what your heart has said to do, as it is the only thing that yells truth.DreamZz ZzZ z are not that you tend to see when you are sleeping, but dreams are that never lets you to sleep.

Live your own dreams, Live your own life irrespective of parental pressures, money or something like that as @ the end of the day you will never regret of what you had done. A dream can be very well said as a synonym of a star as you cannot touch them but if you follow them than it will definately lead you towards yours DESTINY. . . .

Paint your dreams in such a way that it becomes a masterpiece.

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Abhishek Shah

-Digital Evangelist


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