Dreams.. Do You have One?


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They say follow your dreams but is it that easy to do this? Following someone, imitating someone is always considered as an easy task.

You need not use your brains. But perhaps this following task towards your
dream is not that easy. It’s kind of been an easy job for the ones born in a
rich man’s house. But it’s struggling for those who are born in a poor spoon.
But no doubt the ladder for both of them towards success is always the same,the path of hard work and patience.

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Yes, the rich one’s don’t face the odd problems which the poor ones do.
But this what makes their road easier.

The poor fellows have struggled, seen failure, faced hardships, gone through difficult phases of life, tasted sweat. Which some rich dad’s child hasn’t. No doubt they too have their own tough problems. But the ultimate goal is to make a name in this selfish World.


Many times what we dream, we want is not what we get, It’s difficult. Doing what our heart wants is always difficult. A dream can be anything. Dream doesn’t Have any ends. Maybe it is a choice of your preferred career or to gain your desired things. I guess the ones who can follow their dreams easily are the ones who should be called LUCKY.

But that doesn’t means the others who have sacrificed and chosen an another way which satisfies their brains and pockets majorly would not be right. It may be right either. It may be the only right path.

If we talk about Carrier – Interests matter. Major interest in anything can be brought with a small curiosity or interest already involved. Sometimes such things are overshadowed since most of the time we see from our Heart’s eye.

Once you know what is perfect for you, the path is clear and you have
to put on the necessities and ride your horse smoothly. As humans, I think Life is all about being happy. The happiness can be money, love, charity, or anything.

We should believe their are good people and the world is good. If we are happy we should continue it. And never stop dreaming. As they say the start is always tough. But then its on us how we aim and be the master.

Never stop dreaming guys, there will be circumstances, every time. But remember, when god gives you crucial failure, its only because he wants you to succeed.

– Sangita Maiti


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