DU BMS JAT 2015 Admission Schedule And Important Dates To Remember


Delhi University conducted Joint Admission Test i.e. JAT 2015 for admissions to BMS course on 14th June 2015. The results of the JAT entrance exam were declared on 23rd June 2015 at the official university website – www.du.ac.in. The group discussion and personal interview of the shortlisted students was conducted from 25th June 2015 to 2nd July 2015.

For the final selection to the BMS course at the colleges affiliated to Delhi University, written test will be counted as 50 percent, Class 12 marks will be given 30% weightage, 10% weightage will be given to personal interview and 50% weightage will be given to group discussions.

Here we present the Admission schedule of DU BMS JAT 2015:

  • 20th May to 5th June 2015 – Availability of online applications
  • 8th June to 10th June 2015 – DU JAT 2015 Admit Card
  • 14th June 2015 – DU JAT Exam Date
  • 22nd June 2015 – DU JAT 2015 Results
  • 23rd June 2015 – GD PI for BMS
  • 4th July 2015, 5pm – Declaration of final result for BMS
  • 6th July 2015, 10am onwards – First counseling for BMS
  • 7th and 8th July 2015, 10am to 1pm – Admission at respective colleges for BMS
  • 9th July 2015, 5pm – Display of status of vacant seats for BMS
  • 10th July 2015, 10am onwards – Second counseling for BMS, if required
  • 11th to 13th July 2015 – Admission at respective colleges for BMS
  • 14th July 2015, 5pm – Display of status of vacant seats for BMS, if any
  • 15th July 2015, 10am onwards – Third counseling for BMS, if required
  • 16th and 17th July 2015, 10am to 1pm – Admission at respective colleges for BMS
  • 20th July 2015 – Commencement of BMS course.


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