Dubai smashes world fire-work record this New Year.

Dubai fire works display.
Dubai fire works display.

Dubai welcomed the New Year with the largest ever pyrotechnic display on New Year’s Eve with a show involving more than half a million fireworks

It is said that whatever you at midnight on the 31st of December impacts what the coming year is likely to bring. No prices for guessing, for Dubai 2014 is going to be full of record smashing highlights.

This New Year’s Eve Dubai broke all previous records and held the largest fireworks display. Ten months in planning, over 500,000 fireworks were used during the display which lasted around six minutes.

The main displays took place at Burj Khalifa and the luxurious Atlantis hotel located in Palm Jumeirah, one of three palm-shaped islands.

The display spanned 94 kilometers (58.4 miles) of the Dubai coast, which boasts an archipelago of man-made islands and Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest tower. Enough fireworks were launched in the first minute of the display to break the previous record, set by Kuwait in 2011 with an hour-long show of 77,282 fireworks.

US firm Fireworks by Grucci designed the display, and showcased it using 100 computers to synchronise the pyrotechnics, along with a choreographed musical soundtrack. To make the success an event, over 200 expert technicians worked 5,000 man hours to ensure that the timing for each firework was accurate.The reported cost of the entire display was around $6 million (4.3 million euros).

Dubai has been vying to become a permanent fixture on the world map of New Year celebrations, staging spectacular shows since the opening of the 828-metre (2,716-foot) Burj Khalifa tower in 2010.


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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.

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