E-Commerce University Question Paper November 2010


Section I

1) Explain the concepts in brief (3 marks each) – 15 marks

a) Benefits of electronic clearing service (ECS)

b) Limitations of e-commerce

c) Firewall and techniques


Match the following:

i) Section 1-14 (IT Act, 2000) – A) Certifying authorities and licenses

ii) Section 15-42 (IT Act, 2000) – B) Offenses

iii) Section 43-47 (IT Act, 2000) – C) Misc. Provisions

iv) Section 48-64 (IT Act, 2000) – D) Legal aspect related to digital signature

v) Section 65-79 (IT Act, 2000) – E) Provision of penalties and compensation

vi) Section 80-94 (IT Act, 2000) – F) Appeals of tribunals and High Court


e) State true or false:

i) Pizza hut website of online shopping was launched in 1995.

ii) High Court can overrule the verdict of cases filed under IT Act, 2000.

iii) Minimum limit for making a payment through RTGS is Rupees 1,00,000


2) a) Prepare a questionnaire of 8-10 questions for Market research survey of ‘Feedback from a consumer who was just finished the shopping on supermarket website’. (10 marks)

b) Discuss ‘service provider’ business model of e-commerce (5 marks)


Section II

3) Explain in detail any one (10 marks)

a) Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS)

b) Cryptography

4) Differentiate between M-Commerce and E-Commerce infrastructure (10 marks)

5) Discuss threats and security issues in online payment systems (10 marks)

6) Write short notes on (any two): – 10 marks

a) Intermediary model

b) Working mechanism of EDI

c) Content management system


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