Each One – Teach Many ?



One of the most faced problems of the 21st century is poverty. Poverty is the main reason for kids being illiterate. Some parents cannot afford to send their children to schools and thus they are forced to beg and work with their families.

The cruelest sight I once saw was two phases of people in India. A little boy was sitting in his car with his family and playing games on his I-phone and the little boy of his same age was begging for money to his father got pushed by his father. How can one be such cruel?

We must try to at least make children’s in our area literate in order to make the future of our country even better. The more the merrier. The more children we make literate, the more we make our country developed. As the no. of illiterate people decreases, the country comes out of poverty.

Illiteracy is the major cause of poverty, when people find nothing to work, they opt for begging. Thus the poverty line grows on. The growing poverty line is the major cause of illiterateness.

We must take a pledge to at least make the children in our colony literate just to make our use to the society. There are many social organisations such as CRY, Padhega India toh badhega India, etc. who help poor children by educating them for free and giving helping hand to the society to make India more literate. We must take our plunge to this social cause and make sure that “EACH ONE CAN EACH MANY”

– Jiten Godhania.

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