Easter 2014 SMS, Messages, Greetings, Quotes, Wishes For Facebook, WhatsApp, Orkut, Myspace


Easter 2014 is going to be celebrated on 20th April 2014. It is a Chrishtian festival and holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the 3rd day of his crucifixion at Calvary.

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Easter teaches us that the real life lies in giving oneself.

Easter tells, “one loses nothing by giving oneself instead will have the real life. “



Easter bring Fun, Easter bring Happiness,
Easter bring God Endless Blessings,
Easter bring fresh love…
Happy Easter to You
with all best wishes



Easter is a promise
God renews to us in each spring.
May the promise of Easter
fill your heart with peace and joy!
Happy Easter!



Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives, all fear is gone,
Because I know he holds the future,
and life is worth the living,
just because He lives

Happy Easter!!!



Let every man and woman count himself immortal.
Let him catch the revelation of Jesus in his resurrection.
Let him say not merely, “Christ is risen,” but “I shall rise.” – Phillips Brooks



The Lord came to earth
with a life to give,
so each one of us
may continue to live.
Happy Easter!



Jesus Christ Came for Us and
Died 4 Us
He rose from his dead and lives in us

Wishing you a Precious and Graceful Easter



It was His death on the cross that gives us the forgiveness that we need

If not for the CROSS we would have been nothing.



Christ was lifted up on the cross to save fallen humankind. May this Easter herald your glorification in all your endeavours.



O the Easter bells are gladly ringing,

Let the whole world join da happy lay,

Let the hills & vales break forth in singing,

Christ, the Lord of Life, is ris’n today. Happy Easter season.


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